Hyller Helland med betongmedalje

Steinar Helland er tildelt Nordisk Betongforbunds Medalje 2014.

Medaljen ble delt ut på Nordisk Betongforbunds Forsknings symposium (XXII) sin bankett torsdag 14. august i Reykjavik på Island.

Begrunnelsen for tildelingen er:

Steinar Helland has taken the initiatives to and accomplished substantial development within concrete technology for many years. His achievements comprise especially studies in high strength concrete and durability, chloride intrusion in seawater structures (internationally well known in this field), within field studies and implementation, research, training and standardization.

Especially during the last decades, he has contributed in transferring practical experience into concrete standardisation on national, CEN and even ISO level. In CEN work he has been very active in development of the product standard EN 206-1 and the execution standard EN 13670. Thus he had helped to implement Nordic Concrete technology in European Standardization.

His networking within and outside Europe is extensive and his commitment to the development and implementation of adequate standards significant, often taking a leading role.”

Medaljen deles ut hvert tredje år til en person som over tid har gjort en særskilt stor innsats for betongteknikkens vitenskapelige eller praktiske utvikling i Norden. Det er styret i Nordisk Betongforbund som tildeler medaljen.

Medaljen er tidligere tildelt 2 nordmenn, Ivar Holand i 1999 og Bjørn Vik i 1989.